Take time to proof read your email

We’ve all received emails that were sent in a hurry & with little care. Poor grammar, incorrect spelling & clumsy sentences can confuse the meaning & even give the wrong impression.

A few “tricks of the trade” can help you minimize problems with your emails:

  1. Briefly proof read everything before you send it. That quick email that you sent in a hurry could be taken the wrong way or come across poorly to the recipient. Something sent with little thought could be “on the record” for a very long time, & even forwarded to a great many people!
  2. Use a spell & grammar checker. Microsoft Outlook allows you to use Word to edit email messages, along with all its powerful editing features.
  3. Consider using the AutoText feature. This is one of my favourite features in Outlook, as it allows me to insert commonly used phrases with just a couple of keystrokes. Over time, build up a library of these phrases, & use them as necessary in your emails.